Daffodils are prized for their striking yellow flower heads, but they can look disappointing when the bright clusters of petals begin to fade. Monitoring is crucial to ensure new blooms the following spring, but what should you do to care for the daffodils in your garden once they have finished blooming? Here are five steps to follow once your spring bulbs reach the end of their season.
How to care for daffodils after flowering
Daffodils flower between six and 10 weeks depending on where you live in the UK.
While most plants can be left alone after their flowering season is over, perennial spring bulbs require specific care to stay healthy – but where to start?
Deadhead ASAP
Deadheading is crucial in providing space for fresh flowers to grow, and it should be the first thing you do once the daffodils start to wilt.
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Wilted flowers can be plucked using your finger and thumb, just use a gentle pinching motion to remove the unsightly growth.
When you go to cut your daffodils, it is important that you pull both the paper flower and the joint stem.
The main purpose of deadheading is to prevent new seeds from forming, allowing plants to put all their energy back into the bulb for good flowering the following year.
Deadheading also keeps the display looking its best, so you can get the most out of healthy growth while it lasts.
Use potassium sulfate on pot-grown daffodils
Caring for your daffodils after blooming is crucial if you want to enjoy a new bloom of flowers every year, but there are a few things you should do differently when dealing with container-grown plants.
The Daffodil Society says, “Watering and continued feeding is always vital in order to have a firm, mature bulb when all growth is complete.”
To keep your spring bulbs in good condition beyond the growing season, the company recommends administering two portions of potassium sulfate after the plant has flowered.
Dissolve one teaspoon of this fertilizing compound in one gallon of water, pouring about half a pint of liquid into each jar.
Once the pots have been fed, place them in a shady spot to protect them from heat damage during the warmer months.
Cut yellow foliage
Once the color change is done, it’s time to brush out your pruning shears and cut back your spring narcissus.
According to gardening expert Rachel Crow, it’s important to let daffodils die off naturally to re-energize the bulb to help the plant produce flowers the following spring.
Doing this too soon could leave your flower bed completely empty, with no bright yellow flowers to enjoy next year.