HONOLULU — Across cultures and centuries, bells have called people to church, children to school, store workers at counters and spirits to silent attention.
On Wednesday, September 21 at 9 a.m., hundreds of bells from Hawai’i and around the world will ring in celebration of Peace Day.
Ring Your Bell for Peace Day was created in 2020 as a type of joyful gathering online, via Zoom and Facebook Live, to offset public health restrictions. Last year’s event drew some 1,700 bell ringers from across the continent, Canada and Japan. This year, Ukraine will be included, as the Honoka’a Hongwanji Buddhist Temple on the island of Hawai’i has helped five Ukrainian families, one of whom recently moved to Hilo.
Anyone, anywhere is welcome to participate, as a group or individually. Sign up here: bit.ly/PeaceDay2022. All you need is a phone or computer and a bell. Past events have included a choir of bells of all sizes, from tiny bells to Tibetan meditation bowls, giant temple bells and even water glasses.
On O’ahu, the opening ceremony will include chanting pu, conch and oli, presented by St. Louis School, and a Muslim invocation, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Afterwards, Bishop Eric Matsumoto will lead a minute of silence, in honor of all those who have sacrificed for the realization of peace. At 9:01 a.m., bells will ring from temples, churches, schools, individual homes and community organizations for five minutes. The interfaith event ends with a blessing from Temple Emanuel.
September 21 has been the International Day of Peace since it was established by the United Nations in 1981. It is also Peace Day in the state, thanks to members of the Hawaiian Federation of Junior Buddhist Youth Associations, who have presented a resolution to the state legislature in 2007, which enacted House Bill 342, a law making September 21 Hawai’i Peace Day.
Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawai’i Peace Committee recognizes co-sponsors including United Nations Associations of Hawai’i-Honolulu, University of Hawai’i at Manoa and KTUH Radio Station .
Anyone interested in participating is encouraged to register by emailing renemansho@hawaii.rr.com, calling 808-291-6151 or visiting bit.ly/PeaceDay2022.
— Garden Island