How to Care for a Peace Lily: 5 Steps to Growing a ‘Low Maintenance’ Houseplant


The peace lily, Spathiphyllum wallisii, is known for its glossy green leaves and white flowers. They are easy to grow and relatively trouble-free as long as owners place them in the right location with regular watering. Kate Lindley, Product Manager for Baby Bio®, told “Peace Lilies are beautiful, but relatively low-maintenance houseplants with dark green glossy leaves and bright flowers. unique white.

“They also help purify the air, giving your home an extra boost of well-being.”

1. Location

Although they don’t need a lot of light to survive, they like humid temperatures, so it’s ideal to place them in naturally humid rooms.

Kate added: “Native to tropical rainforests, peace lilies prefer warm temperatures and high humidity, so make sure they are in a humid room.

“They generally thrive in kitchens as long as they’re out of direct sunlight and drafts.

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Other ways to keep the leaves shiny is to give the plant a shower with lukewarm water every few months.

It can also help the plant to thrive and perform photosynthesis more efficiently.

5. Repotting

Peace lilies also need to be repotted every few years, depending on how fast they grow.

They will need a slightly larger pot, but grow well when their roots are slightly restricted.

Signs your peace lily needs a new pot, including recurring wilting despite regular watering.


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