This spring, Gering Public Library received a grant as part of a national #Plantwildflowers campaign. #Plantwildflowers highlights the essential role that bees and other pollinators play in healthy ecosystems. Funding for the grant was generously provided by HHMI Tangled Bank Studio, PBS Nature, and the #Plantwildflowers Initiative.
The public can visit the pollinator exhibit at the library to learn more about local pollinators. The library has all kinds of “free bees”. Collect free wildflower seeds to plant in a corner of the garden or in the driveway. They also have bee ID cards to take home. Visitors can find books for readers of all ages with information about useful insects and flowers in our area.
According, one in three bites of food reaches humans through a pollinator. Some plants need insects for pollination, while others depend on bats and birds. Local crops such as corn, beans, wheat and beets do not depend on pollinating insects. Alfalfa does, however, and many garden vegetables also rely on insect pollination. If society wants to continue to eat well, then society needs pollinators.
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Through small actions like planting a section of the yard or a community space with native wildflowers, residents can each have a big impact on pollinator habitat.
Gering Public Library will highlight the importance of local pollinators through June with fun activities for the whole family, including a screening of “My Garden of a Thousand Bees” on June 7 at 6 p.m. where viewers will see bees as they have never seen them. before in this PBS Nature documentary. Filming with unique lenses forged on his kitchen table, wildlife filmmaker Martin Dohrn lists more than 60 different species in his backyard. He eventually gets so close to the bees that he can identify individuals by sight, documenting life at them like we’ve never seen before.
The public is encouraged to mark their calendars for June 10, as the Nebraska State Arboretum will be selling native plants from 4-7 p.m. at Gering Civic Plaza. Attendees can take home their own packets of free native wildflower seeds to plant in the yard, outdoor flowerpot, or driveway. Planting as little as one square foot of wildflowers can make a big difference to pollinators.
On June 25, Gering Public Library is partnering with the Community Ever Green House for a day of pollinator fun. This family-friendly event will be buzzing with activities, including a beekeeper with bees, story time, a balloon artist, crafts for adults and children, and a huge bear selfie station. The Ever Green House will feature new sculptures useful to bees.
To learn more about the national #PlantWildflowers campaign and other upcoming pollinator-focused events, please follow Gering Library and Ever Green House on Facebook.
For more information, contact the Gering Public Library at (308) 436-7433 or