Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union Foundation donates school supplies to teacher teammates


CHADDS FORD — With the 2022-23 school year in full swing, Delaware County teachers may find it increasingly difficult to find school supplies that fit tight school budgets.

This year, the Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union Foundation decided to directly support Delco educators by hosting a back-to-school supply drive.

During a month-long campaign, employees and members donated more than 3,600 items of school supplies through donation boxes located in each branch.

The foundation donated the items along with a $1,500 cash donation to Teachers’ Teammates, a Delaware County-based organization aimed at raising resources to provide teachers in underprivileged schools the opportunity to receive free supplies. to use in their classrooms.

The fundraising campaign is just one of the many ways the credit union encourages members and employees to help community members. This year, the FMFCU Foundation also focused its efforts on food insecurity, scholarships, community grants, and volunteerism. For more information visit

Media Hosts 56th Annual Halloween Parade

The Media Borough Recreation Board will host this year’s annual Halloween Parade on Saturday, October 29 at 11 a.m. on State Street in Media. The rainy date is October 30.

After 55 years of being hosted by Town Talk Newspapers, the organization has handed over the reins to Media, which will carry on Delaware County’s longstanding tradition.

While attendees can expect many of the same bands they look forward to seeing each year, there will also be many new and first-time bands.

Some of the returning groups include the Penncrest High School Marching Band, Strath Haven High School Panther Marching Band and Cheerleading, County Corvette Association, Girl Scouts of the Providence Service Unit, and Cub Scout Pack 85. This year’s new parade is Providence Animal Center, Media Bee City USA and Rose Tree Colts Football and Cheer, with more groups added every day.

The Halloween Parade begins on Street Street at Monroe Street and ends at Orange Street. All parade watchers are welcome to come to the parade in costume and can expect lots of bands, spooky floats, spooky surprises, costumes and candy.

Media Borough Council Vice-Chair Elizabeth Romaine said: “Parade day has always been one of the most exciting days of the year for our community. I want to thank Town Talk Newspapers for planning this amazing event over the past 55 years, the Media Borough Recreation Board for agreeing to host the parade this year, and the community and groups who showed creativity and talent to make the parade a fun event, time and time again.”

Parade time is earlier than usual to encourage attendees and attendees to take advantage of all the dining and shopping Media has to offer, as well as cultural hubs like the Media Theater, Media Arts Council, and Pennsylvania Veterans Museum.

Immediately following the parade, the free Media-Upper Providence Library will host cider and soft pretzels for attendees on their porch on Jackson Street.

For more information on media events, or how to participate in this year’s parade, visit

Christ Church’s pumpkin patch ready to help the community celebrate the Halloween season

Pumpkins of just about every shape and size have arrived to fill the lawn at Christ’s Episcopal Church, Sellers Avenue and Nevin Street, Ridley Park, and will be on sale daily until to Monday, October 31. The annual church pumpkin patch will be open Sunday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The Christ Church Pumpkin Patch is a community affair, bringing in students, Boy Scouts and other community members to pitch in and volunteer their time to make the annual pumpkin fundraiser a success. The public helps by buying the pumpkins for cooking, carving and decorating.

For more information, call Christ Church at 610-521-1626 or visit

Tickets are on sale for the “Faces of Literacy” event at Harrah’s

The Delaware County Literacy Council will host its 10th annual Adult Literacy Champions event, “Faces of Literacy,” on Wednesday, October 19 from 6-8:30 p.m. at Harrah’s Racetrack and Casino in Chester.

The community is invited to celebrate this year’s three deserving adult literacy champions, play a friendly Quizzo team quiz, enjoy refreshments and meet some of the inspiring adults who have studied at the Delaware County Literacy Council, the real “faces of literacy.

This year’s winners will include actress Monica Horan Rosenthal, Hometown Hero Champion, Hometown Student Champion Theresa Green and Sun East Federal Credit Union Community Champion.

Proceeds from tickets and donations support free literacy services for local adults. To order tickets, visit

Springfield Garden Club Wins Awards at Longwood Gardens Show

Seven local garden clubs sponsored and participated in a recent National Standard Flower Show titled “From Sea to Shining Sea” held at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square. Members of the Garden Club of Springfield have won six first place awards and numerous second and third place awards and honorable mentions in several sections.

The Division I winners were first place, Jane Nyiri, “Lavender, Three Stems, One Variety”; first place, Sandra Manthorpe, “Canna, one rod”; first place, Kate Sevensky, “Caladium/Tuber.

Sevensky also won the Merit Award for entry scores of 95 and above, and received the Excellence in Horticulture Award and the Horticulture Competition Prize, which is awarded to the exhibitor who has the greatest number of points in the entire horticulture division.

Springfield Garden Club member Kate Sevensky won numerous awards at the recent Longwood Gardens Flower Show. (Courtesy of JANET LEWIS)

Other awards went to Louise Sheehan, second place for her anthurium and Janet Lewis, honorable mention for her caladium.

In Division II, Design, Springfield Garden Club member Maryanne DeSanto won first place for Functional Table Setup for “Fox Hunting in Chester Co” in Section A, Functional Table Setup .

Manthorpe won third place in Section B for its creative design organized into joined containers to appear as one; and Jeannie Cammarota won second place in Section C with “Underwater Fresh Flower Design”.

In Division IV, Botanical Arts, Manthorpe won second place in “Under the Sea” with a wreath honoring ancient sailors, and Maryann DeSanto won third place with “A Sunken Treasure”.

Each exhibit/entry had to conform to the standard flower show schedule.

Some of the winners of...
Some of the winners of the recent flower show at Longwood Gardens are members of the Garden Club of Springfield, left to right, Louise Sheehan, Kate Sevensky, Janet Lewis and Maryann DeSanto, Jeannie Cammarota. Jane Nyiri and Sandra Manthorpe also won but are not pictured. (Courtesy of the Garden Club of Springfield)

The Garden Club will meet on Wednesday October 26th. The program will be “Planting fall bulbs for spring flowers”.

New members are always welcome. To attend, contact Sue Simpson, 610-328-9111. Gardeners do not have to reside in Springfield to join.

The Garden Club of Springfield is a member of District I GCFP and National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Readers can send community news and photos to Peg DeGrassa at


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