Former refugee collects medical supplies to help Ukraine


12:00 15 April 2022

A hospital worker who arrived in the UK as a refugee has lent her support to Ukraine by collecting and distributing medical supplies for the war-torn country.

Alida Biba from Welwyn Garden City came to England in 1998 with her parents, when the family was forced to flee Albania following a civil war.

Now Clinical Category Manager for Circle Health Group, Alida is proud to be able to support Ukraine after Russia invaded the country.

“We arrived in this country with nothing, none of us spoke English and had to rebuild our lives from scratch,” she said.

“We were blessed with a better life and the welcome my family and I received was exceptional.

“All I have right now is because this country gave me a chance. Being able to support the people of Ukraine during this difficult time gives me a huge sense of pride.”

Alida has been at the heart of Circle’s efforts to send emergency medical supplies to hospitals in eastern Ukraine.

The first medical equipment truck is about to leave for Ukraine.
– Credit: Circle Health Group

So far, five trucks have made the dangerous two-day journey across the country to reach hospitals, delivering clinical supplies such as syringes, specialist dressings for traumatic wounds and brand new ventilators.

Alida praised the team that helped her collect and distribute the supplies, saying, “As a team, we used our connections in the health sector to get as many donations as possible. possible.

“The response from suppliers has been fantastic and so far we have managed to secure many of the key items that our Ukrainian colleagues have said they desperately need.

“Seeing the trucks leave is very moving and talking to the Ukrainian drivers and hearing how happy they are is incredibly powerful.

“People’s willingness to donate is very moving and reminds me of how caring people were to me when I arrived in the UK.

“We can’t heal the invisible scars and we can’t remove the shocking things that people have seen, but we can do something to help people who are in desperate need and give them a chance to help build a coming.”


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