Finding Organic Gardening Supplies – Mother Earth News


Do you have a vegetable garden? Growing some of your own food has many benefits, and it’s an idea that gets even better when you choose to grow your food as naturally as possible. You can do this by choosing natural fertilizers and mulches, which break down slowly and improve long-term soil health. You can also opt for safer and less toxic pest and weed control methods. Anytime you can use fewer toxic pesticides, you keep those chemicals out of the environment where they can harm wildlife, as well as find their way into our air and soil.

Some of these natural materials are easy to find: For natural fertilizers and mulches, you can turn to your own garden compost, dried leaves and grass clippings (without pesticides). For others, you may need to look a little further, including shopping online. Here are some resources that can make your search for organic gardening supplies a little easier.

Is it OMRI listed? If you’re unsure whether a fertilizer, pest control product, or weed killer is a good idea for your garden, check to see if it’s allowed for organic farming. To do this, check to see if it is listed with the nonprofit Organic Materials and Review Institute as approved for organic production. When shopping online, you are likely to see relevant products labeled as “OMRI listed”. You can also search the OMRI online directory. Also check out a new section on the OMRI website that directs people to retailers that sell listed products. One currently listed mail order company is Johnny’s Selected Seeds. Other good online sources for organic gardening products include Peaceful Valley Farm Supply and Planet Natural, both of which have sections specific to OMRI-listed products.

Seed and plant labels. When thinking about organic gardening supplies, don’t overlook one big category: seeds and plants. By looking for the most naturally grown options, you can keep even more synthetic chemicals and pesticides out of the environment. It’s a simple way to support sustainable agriculture and environmentally conscious seed companies.

“Organic” is a label you will see on some seed selections. These seeds come from certified organic farms and many mail order companies offer a large selection. However, getting official certification for organic production can be expensive, so keep in mind that some farms and small seed companies opt for alternative certifications. One label to look for is “Certified Naturally Grown”. Learn more about this certification here.

Another concern for many gardeners is avoiding genetically modified plants and seeds. A long list of seed companies have taken the Seed Safety Pledge, promising that they will not knowingly trade in genetically modified seeds or plants. In most cases, this information will be displayed prominently on their websites. Find the full list of participating companies on the Council for Responsible Genetics website.

This blog is part of the MOTHER EARTH NEWS guideFind the best green products and services.

Photo by Fotolia/DLeonis


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