Workers at an Edinburgh nursery have been left devastated after a gang of mindless vandals ransacked their outdoor garden.
Smilechildcare, in Calder Grove, Wester Hailes, struck after kindergartens in their community were vandalized over the weekend, with vital and expensive equipment damaged.
The nursery uploaded various images to social media showing the damage, along with a message asking local parents to keep an eye out for their children, as neighbors informed them it was a gang of young people causing the damage.
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On Monday, March 21, the nursery posted on Facebook saying: “Unfortunately we arrived this morning in our large garden to be vandalized again, mainly targeting our outdoor shelter. For the past few weeks our shelter has been slightly damaged. damaged, our outdoor sinks had their pipes ripped out and other resources destroyed.
“We have worked hard as a team to ensure that the previous damage does not impact the supply of children. Today, once again, we have worked hard to eliminate the damage created and ensure that our garden is safe for your children to play and learn in.”
Adding to the fury, the nursery’s lead practitioner, Dawn Moorehead, said neighbors had informed them that a group of youngsters were using golf clubs to destroy the garden during the evening.
Talk to Edinburgh Live Dawn said: “We are a voluntary organization and this is not the first time this has happened. There has been a lot of vandalism over the past few weeks but this time they even used golf clubs to destroy our main garden shed.
“They climbed over the fence and damaged just about everything. Outside sinks that we specifically brought in because of Covid, so the kids could wash their hands more regularly, were damaged, as well as emptied and discarded planters, broken hardware and broken glass.
“Fortunately, some neighbors tried to stop the group of children on Sunday evening and they ran away. Without them, it could have been much worse.”
Dawn and the rest of the team are overwhelmed after working so hard to provide young children with a safe space to play and learn, with the main garden being used for several activities such as story time, lunch outside and general outdoor play in good weather. is favorable.

Post-lockdown, the nursery has struggled to encourage more outdoor play and learning, which means this new setback is even more exhausting and disappointing.
Fortunately, the nursery was able to stay open and use its other garden for the time being, blocking off the vandalized area so that children could not access it and see the initial destruction.

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Dawn added: “Our next option is to dip into our own money and try to rebuild again. I have no idea what the current cost of damage is as there is so much. The outside shelter and sinks were quite expensive.
“We are planning to strengthen the fence and make the outdoor shelter more secure. Luckily the parents have been in touch and helped, we just want to say a big thank you to the community for coming together at a time like this- this.
“It’s devastating and infuriating that a small group of people think it’s okay to mess up what we’re trying to create, a safe layout and space for young children.”
Police Scotland tweeted about the issue yesterday, March 21, saying: “The outdoor play equipment at Smile Childcare Nursery in Calder Grove was vandalized last night meaning children going there cannot use space. We are following a line of If you know of anything, please call 101. Inc 2893 3/20/22 refers.”