Education Secretary Leonor Briones recognized the contribution of Filipino youth to environmental protection.
During this year’s Earth Day celebration, the Department of Education (DepEd) showcased Gen Z’s green efforts in environmental protection.
“We cannot underestimate the efforts of young people because even in their own way they are taking active steps to protect the environment,” Briones said.
For example, Briones said that Generation Z or better known as “Gen Z” is known for its supporters of movements such as buying cruelty-free products, zero waste management, etc.
“If they can do it, so can we with our learners,” Briones explained.
Organized by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Youth Affairs and Special Concerns (OAYASC) and the Youth Training Division (YFD), the virtual Earth Day event highlights the theme “Youth: Invest in our planet” which addresses the importance of “bayanihan” in protecting and conserving the environment for future generations as the focus shifts from restoring the earth to investing in it sustainably in light of climate change and the growing number of environmental problems in the world.
Meanwhile, Briones also called on everyone to actively participate in taking care of the planet.
“I call on young people and everyone to be good role models, to take care of our Mother Earth and to be the bearers of change for a better world,” Briones said.
“We can’t predict what the future holds, but every day let’s invest in our planet by being actively involved in environmental activities and efforts,” she added.
Youth power
During the panel discussion, youth representatives presented their green initiatives such as creating a vegetable garden, following sustainable food consumption practices like vegetable gardening, steaming vegetables, the Gulayan sa Paaralan (GPP), distribution of fruit tree seedlings and environmental protection. -Friendly shopping.
Ramzel Ivan Hugh Delloro, Vice President of Davao Del Sur School of Fisheries SSG, shared the following tips for eco-friendly shopping: shop at eco-friendly stores, avoid impulse buying, buy local products, buy seasonal fruits and vegetables, reduce online ordering deliveries, buy recycled items, bring eco-friendly shopping bags, avoid pre-washed groceries and choose organic and natural products. lifestyle, increased property value and chance for positive impact in the community to help save the planet,” Delloro said.
It’s time to act
Meanwhile, DepEd Assistant Secretary for Youth Affairs and Special Concerns, Juan Valeriano Respicio IV, noted that investing in something involves a certain degree of sacrifice coupled with hope, while it urged learners to rise up and invest in planet Earth for their future and the future of generations yet to come. to be born.
“Now is the time for us to act. Sacrifice and invest,” he said.
Respicio also encouraged young people to be more aware and proactive and to support various efforts to preserve the environment.
“Let us focus our attention on issues concerning climate change and be part of the solution to the ever growing and evolving challenges concerning the environment,” he added.