Members of the Marco Island Calusa Garden Club are busy planning a home garden tour to be held on Saturday, April 9, 2022. The private car tour will include four quite varied home gardens: one uses no additional water except what nature provides! Others display more traditional tropical planting areas, and one features a Florida-friendly canopy of mature trees. In each home, guests will be treated to a gardening demonstration and the tour will conclude with a reception at the Calusa Park Butterfly Garden as well as a tour of the Butterfly Garden. Guests will also receive a monthly gardening guide and have a chance to win one of four door prizes. Door prizes include a vine wreath decorated with tillandsias, a potted bromeliad, a floral design and an arrangement of live plants.
On March 14, the Calusa Garden Club held its monthly meeting which included planning for the April 9 Home Garden Tour as well as a presentation by Andee Naccarato, President of the Naples Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society. Naccarato addressed club members Native host plants for butterflies on Marco Island.
Janet Robinson, Sharon Lewis, Sue Oldershaw, Linda Schwoeppe and Donna Kay enjoying a nice seating area at a member’s home after a planning meeting.
Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island is a 501(c)3 organization and is a member of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs. Membership is open to individuals interested in horticulture, floral design, and environmental issues residing 5 months or more in Collier County.
The Calusa Garden Club of Marco Island meets the second Monday of each month, October through April, at Wesley United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact the Garden Club at For updates and information, please visit the Garden Club website,, or visit the Club Calusa Garden Club Facebook page.