Area 4-H Clubs Honored for Healthy Habits – Jamestown Sun


4-H’ers from clubs in 15 North Dakota counties were recognized for incorporating nutrition, fitness and health activities into their club meetings in 2021-22. Jamestown area clubs were among those honored.

The 33 4-H clubs, with a total of 641 members, earned special recognition of being “healthy clubs” by meeting criteria, which could include healthy snacks, food demonstrations at meetings, and community service. Twelve clubs also received additional recognition for completing the Family Meal Challenge.

The program also provided leadership opportunities for 4-H teens. Teenagers can serve as role models for younger children.

To earn Healthy North Dakota 4-H Club recognition, clubs must incorporate at least one nutrition or fitness activity into a minimum of six regular meetings during the year.

“Many clubs have established healthy snack policies for their meetings and they have performed a wide variety of community service. Some tracked the number of family meals they ate,” says Julie Garden-Robinson, food and nutrition specialist at North Dakota State University Extension and program coordinator. Healthy North Dakota 4-H Clubs.

This was the 15th year that certain clubs have been named a North Dakota Healthy 4-H Club. Each club member received a certificate of recognition and a small prize.

Clubs recognized this year are listed by county, number of members and number of years they have been recognized. Twelve healthy North Dakota 4-H clubs were recognized for completing the month-long Family Meal Challenge, and participating clubs reported 1,896 Family Meals. Eating together as a family is linked to better school results, healthier meals and fewer risky behaviors.

Clubs provided ideas for increasing the number of family meals served. They suggested that children suggest menus, help prepare food and clean up.

Jamestown area clubs recognized were:

  • Barnes – Valley Friends, 12 members, 11, completed Family Mealtime Challenge
  • LaMoure – Cloverleafs, 24 members, 10 years
  • Ransom – Tri-Country Ag, 25 members, eight years; Hill and Valley, 10 members, three years; Heart and Soul, 24 members, six years; McLeod Ag, 35, One Year, Completed Family Mealtime Challenge; Aliceton, 29, 11, completed the Family Mealtime Challenge; Sandy Critters, 13 members, three years
  • Stutsman – Country Kids, 14 members, four, completed Mealtime Challenge; Moon Lake, 12 members, two years

4-H clubs interested in participating in the 2022-2023 North Dakota Healthy 4-H Clubs program should contact their NDSU Extension county office.


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